Saturday, 21 September 2024

Apparently my decades of "anecdotal observations" are not worth much


Someone, the only person to respond to my post on a wildlife group, did not like my "theory" about hedgehog decline and slugs. No information about himself and absolutely nothing about wildlife work on his limited profile.  Oh, he referred to a 1988 paper on slugs and tapeworms. That is 36 years ago and the person had no knowledge of recent hedgehog deaths or post mortems carried out on hedgehogs.

It is, sadly, what you expect from Face Book groups. As I pointed out to the person involved (his answer was that people needed to be encouraged more to take care of the environment and hedgehogs). 

As I made clear; it is a working hypothesis since no one is carrying out a study into hedgehog deaths and what is causing them   It is why I asked that people take photographs of dead hedgehogs they see, location and date and note anything unusual in the immediate area.  Four hedgehogs found dead I was told were dumped in a refuse bin so lost evidence.

I have stated that any serious suggestions I will look at since, according to the person involved her my "anecdotal observations" over 40 years are not worth much.

The internet is a lost cause!

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