Sunday, 5 May 2024

"Is It A Dead Puma?!"

 The following is an example as to how and why people report dead big cats in the British countryside. Let me start out by stating that I know, after decades, that we do have large cats in the UK and I was a UK police forces exotic wildlife consultant from 1977 0n. I have seen the evidence and people beyond reproach have also seen dead large cats.  Therefore I am not dismissing the subject but pointing out why we must check every detail especially in an age where every pet cat seen crossing a road or field gets photographed or video recorded as a "big cat".

On the 3rd April, 2024, I was contacted and sent this image. I was asked "what is it -it's big!" I took notice because it looks like a dead puma and on an area on the outskirts of Bristol.  Look at that head and the huge jaws not to mention the long muscular legs.

photo (c) 2024 British Fox and Canid Study

At the same time a little voice said "Hang on. Look at the surroundings" I did. And I went straight to the Dead Foxes File and I found the images I needed. The images below were sent to me in February, 2024 and it is the exact same spot and reported by two people -even the position it is lying in is the same.

Photo (c)2024 British Fox and Canid Study

The animal had obviously been in the water a while but it was obvious what it was when reported.

photo (c)2024 British Fox and Canid Study

Perhaps a close up might help?

photo (c)2024 British Fox and Canid Study

The ears give it away.  This was a fox and after a month I had expected it to have been either removed or decayed/predated on. It was a surprise to see how the decomposition had developed and why people when they saw the April image thought it was large animal and one even asked "You've finally got one (puma) to go on the slab?"  I so hated to disappoint.

But this shows why people need to observe not just live animals but also dead ones. It is grim but a periodic check will tell you a lot and that knowledge is then in your head for good.  I have no doubt the first image will be pinched by someone and appear on the internet as a "dead  mystery beast".  Sad that the fox died but even though it was initially too far gone for a post mortem the fact that someone saw it a month later and sent me the photos meant that I learnt from this.

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