Sunday, 26 May 2024

UK Wildlife: A Somewhat Sunday Rant or Sermon

 If there is one thing I have learnt it is that people with a love of foxes are either the "get hands dirty" types who run rescues and try to help foxes (let's call them Type 1's) or the "I learnt everything from You Tube" and these can often cause more grief with bad feeding of foxes and habituation and if they set up a kitchen sink 'rescue' foxes are more at risk of harm than getting real help (these we'll call Type 2's).

The same applies to people who love badgers. There are the type 1's who are hindered by certain stupid regulations. For one; if a sow badger is dead next to a sett and there are starving pups in the sett they must be left there. You know the mother is dead and that means a slow death for the cubs but you must not under punishment of huge fines or prison sentence get the cubs out of the sett to save them. However much they squeal you have to wait for two things: the cubs to die or for them to leave the sett. Yes, once they leave the sett you can help them. Now here is where we have to remember that 300,000+ badgers, an alleged protected species, can be legally killed based on bad science and political corruption to a point where the population is on a speedy descent to extinction but you try to save cubs whose mother has been killed (usually by a car) and you are a criminal.

I was asked what I would do in that situation? I would break the law.

We can help fox cubs that are dying at an alarming rate while their parents are killed by 'sports shooters', farmers, killed by cars etc, etc., etc.. Even the British Trust for Ornithology after its mammal survey suggested now was the time to red list foxes (just as we did hedgehogs) because the population is on a very steep decline and like the badgers, that we must not, help are heading for extinction by the 2030s.

Humans are the greatest threat to the environment and wildlife and even with warning after warning about current species from mammals to birds heading for "The Big E" no one is listening. Back in the late 1700s and into the early 1800s 'sportsmen' and 'sportsmen-naturalists' were all reporting on the decline of the native British fox types and even stating that extinction seemed inevitable so what did they do? They carried on killing the foxes for the 'fun' of their 'sport' until...Old foxes gone. Not to worry as they did what they had done since at least the early 1700s and that was to import more so that the 'sport' might continue.

People are still badger baiting as well as shooting them on the quiet (often through the local "badger man") but snares and poison are still a staple of "getting rid of them" for no reason other than not liking wild animals on "my land".  This is often organised and a crime but on the whole the police shrug and say "no proof" so perhaps they ought to do some policing?

Foxes are shot with no controls in place and although a land owner is supposedly only allowed to "deal with" a fox that threatens live stock foxes have proven to be no threat to sheep or lambs and even the 'great sportsmen' of the past who went out and studied this rejected the claim and their large reward for anyone bringing in evidence to prove this was not claimed by the early 1900s. 

A fox walking along near a village or housing estate hunting rats or rabbits is not a threat under any description. In fact it is controlling the rodent population and reducing the need for all poisoning rodenticides. Even when it is cub season these people will kill a fox whether vixen lactating or not. It's their 'fun' and so what if foxes become extinct they can move on to other wildlife or even 'fun' shooting the odd wandering pet cat (which happens more frequently than you might want to think).

A wildlife looks very green and pleasant and so developers obviously want to build on that and local authorities (such as in Bristol) will twist and turn to try top push through developments and a blind eye is often turned towards fox dens and badger setts ("Oh, we had no ideas they were there"), In cities and towns the green spaces are vitally important not just for wildlife but also people -"little oases away from the concrete".

I was once offered an office at a college in the UK for my ongoing work on exotic species in the UK that attracted a lot of press and media attention. Then it was discovered that I was not a university graduate so "perhaps not a good idea" 😂

With foxes and diseases a great deal is being found out through the Bristol Fox Deaths Project and when any research on UK wildlife is published by researchers then the chances of getting a copy of the paper is never available to people who are not part of the "club" -I have a big folder full of papers on fox health, possible diseases, etc., and they are all from EU or American research which is distributed free online as part of "free to educate" policies which the UK sadly does not bother with.  Anything our project discovers will be publicly as well as professionally available.

The Type 1 fox people need to be as informed as they can be because wildlife groups in general are not keen on foxes or badgers unless it is a photo opp or way to promote themselves. Large mammals such as foxes and badgers and even deer are seen as the "nasty types" that get in the way of the "pretty" butterflies, moths, birds and wild flowers. Type 1's in both fox and badger work often get threats, abuse and a whole lot more just because they are helping species no one cares about -300,000 badgers killed and heading for extinction and the "nation of animal lovers" is not up in arms (but a "lonely looking sheep" gets thousands of demands for it to be rescued?).

The UK is The Blood Red Island for a very obvious reason. Our wildlife protection laws and prosecutions against those breaking the 'laws' are a mess.  When it comes to a land owner whether some rich business man or royal there should be no protection from prosecution over wildlife crimes. 

We need a genuine wildlife crimes force that does not consist of local men who give a nod and wink to locals involved in crimes. A wildlife crimes force that is given full authorisation to enter private land when a wildlife crime is reported and suspected and whoever is involved should be prosecuted under new laws. Will this ever happen? Doubtful since most politicians tend to look at what is good for themselves rather than the environment and wildlife.

We are watching species vanishing and quite literally shrugging it off or just ignoring it as someone else's problem.

Saturday, 25 May 2024

people in the UK cannot be educated on wildlife?


Local wildlife groups in the UK tend to have no interest in foxes or badgers unless there are photo opportunities.  They will not come out and say it but badgers and foxes are seen as "not very pretty" mammals.   Take a few fun facts by the Badger Trust put out on its Face Book page:

 "Here are today's facts: Badgers are excellent ecosystem engineers.  Badgers contribute to habitat heterogeneity*. Their setts create homes for other wildlife, such as foxes, mice, and rabbits."

The only comments after this -why were these people on a badger group??- were wholly negative with this being typical:

"I'm sure the local hedgehogs and ground nesting birds are pleased about that ."

Not one, not two but four similar comments and one can only assume these people are very uneducated of deliberately trolling wildlife pages. Both are highly likely.  I did, however, as the Badger Trust is far too polite, respond:

"Just to the posters above: over 300,000 badgers have been 'legally' killed based on nonsense science. We lose up to 100,000 a year on roads (I keep the local badger death register) and if the cull and traffic losses continue by the 2030s badgers will be rare or gone altogether. 

"The fox population is in steep decline (I keep the fox deaths register also and run the Fox Deaths Project) and so far in Bristol a;lone (and REPORTED) we have gone over 109 foxes and cubs. And this year's cub losses are concerning."

" When it comes to hedgehog, fox, badger or any other species decline stop scapegoating other animals.  

"I have observed foxes and hedgehogs eating together and well fed badgers rarely chase around hedgehogs (after 50 years a field naturalist I've studied wildlife interactions as well as wildlife-pet interactions).  

The biggest threat to any wildlife is simply humans. 

I am guessing by the above comments that we have a contingent of fox and badger haters?  Research the subject and understand what is going on -unless you prefer even more UK wildlife extinctions?"

I ought to point out that bounties were paid for killing hedgehogs into the 20th century and after that cars, slug pellets, rodenticides and all manner of other human created problems are the factors that drove the hedgehog to be listed as endangered. They survived larger populations of foxes and badgers for many thousands of years and survived until humans.

You can try to educate but sheer ignorance as well as a very strange and illogical hatred -similar to that from anti pet cat, anti dog, anti fox and anti badgers and even anti muntjac deer- exists. More than once I was told by bird watchers that they would prefer any threat to birds to become extinct as that was far more preferable to losing some birds each year; it is one reason why red squirrels are still killed in areas; as a threat to nesting birds.

I sometimes think people in the UK cannot be educated on wildlife.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

'ICH' In Foxes, Post Mortem Refusals and Rescues Potential Biohazards

(c)2024 respective copyright owner

I have to say that my estimate of the fox population decline was wrong. It is in fact worse than I thought  and the problem is the population is now on a very sharp decline.

 Just looking at the number of fox cub deaths around the country being reported (whatever cause) if you statistically multiply (conservatively) the ones we know about then that is a massive loss of new generation foxes on top of the 65,000+ foxes killed on the roads and who knows how many by hunting psychopaths -I am past being polite because foxes under law can only be "dealt with" if a threat to livestock and even the hunts of the 18th-20th centuries laughed that one off.  A fox crossing a field is not a threat to anything and could be a lactating vixen -which means a slow death for cubs.  They do not care so long as they get their 'fun'.

The fact that rescues just say "we expect it this time of year" is moronic. Again, I have given up being polite because I do not give a damn about egos or people liking me we are talking about another species heading toward extinction if this continues.  If a cub looks perfectly healthy then those dealing with fox health, treatment and recovery should be trying to find out what is going on.

Why are the cubs dying -and I suspect that it is far more than just being "overburdened with worms". Not only are the anti fox faction killing foxes off but the supposed pro fox faction are helping by ignoring continuing deaths and not bothering to even try finding out because "we know it all" -seriously that has been the response from the same "experts" who told me that all fox deaths were road traffic incidents or "endemic adenovirus in British foxes".  Well, we are near 70 foxes having undergone or about to undergo post mortem examination by a top pathologist and guess what? Even he was surprised that we have not had a single adenovirus case. But rescues, who can never quite remember where they got the 'fact' from, swear that is the cause of all non RTA fox deaths.

I was dismissed rather quickly by one rescue/vet as the recent spate of cases they see similar to (they say) every year and they dismiss them as ICH  (Infectious Canine Hepatitis or CAV-1):  Clinical signs include: anorexia, rhinitis, haemorrhagic diarrhoea, jaundice, hyperexcitability, seizures, paralysis, coma and death. The prognosis of a fox showing clinical signs of ICH is guarded, and even if recovery occurs, there can be continued urinary excretion of the virus for up to six months after infection. 

The problem is why there are no vixens who have mothered these cubs dying of ICH. And then there is the problem that out of four cubs only one suffers the seizure, jaundice and nasal discharge followed by its system shutting down -the other cubs in its den continue on with no problems. In case you wonder what ICH is:

"Hepatitis is defined as inflammation of the liver. As a specific disease, infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) is a viral infection caused by a member of the adenovirus family."

-Malcolm Weir, DVM, MSc, MPH; Tammy Hunter, DVM; Ernest Ward, DVM writing on VCA Animal Hospitals, 2023

When we submit a dead fox or fox whose symptoms  cannot be explained by a vet we do not say the cause is one thing or another. For instance we have had ten vets who declared foxes to be victims of poisoning -no testing just off the top of their heads. None of those 'poisoned' foxes was in fact poisoned. We can privately discuss possibilities but in such conversations I make it very -very- clear that it is speculation. Only one thing counts and that is the evidence found during/after a post mortem. 

Rescues and vets working with them need to understand that all fox deaths -cubs or adults- if not clearly exhibiting signs of RTA should be investigated. Last night (21st) I was informed of another cub found dead in a garden but last week so that one cannot be submitted. In all my years of fox research I expect to hear of young cubs dying as that is down to a number of factors, however, in the space of a month the number of cubs having seizures, nasal discharge, jaundice and with their systems shutting down has been concerning.

I have checked all of the old 'sport' and natural history on foxes and worm burden and mange are all that can be found but even worm burden is rarely mentioned as no one carried out post mortems on foxes!

All of the foxes in the UK today -and in Ireland as a whole- were imported by hunts to continue the 'sport' and that probably started in the 17th century when foxes became scarce. We have seen several near extinctions since the 1860s (when the Old British foxes died out) and there is clear evidence that hunts doctored figures to make it seem that there were more foxes than there were (even a couple of pro hunt writers in the 1960s noted this). It is likely that the decline in modern times started in the 1960s and became really noticeable in the 1990s when I was told by game keepers and country shooters that in some areas they had not seen a fox "in a very long time" and now pro hunt people are stating that this decline is down to foxes not being 'controlled' (do not try to work that out logically as it will only give you a headache).  Hunts knew and it was stated in journals, books and letters of the early 19th century that the Old foxes were going extinct but they still hunted until the foxes were.

The lie, readily accepted by everyone it seems, is that during covid lockdown in the UK wildlife numbers increased.  They did not it was merely that people stuck in one place saw more of the local wildlife than they normally would do.  People were still going out and killing foxes, deer, etc. including as a group -but in the countryside who was going to see to report? 

When the British Trust for Ornithology did its mammal survey and suggested putting foxes on the Red (Endangered) List they were spot on. 

There is another problem with rescues that needs to be addressed.  Firstly, I know of two rescues that have had cubs having seizures, jaundice, etc., etc., but will not submit those foxes for post mortem. Their thinking makes no sense since what can be found out about the fox death might help save or treat others in the future.  Three dead cubs and a polite request for them to submit the cubs for PM -totally ignored. Not even willing to discuss the matter. If you claim to be there to rescue and treat sick and injured foxes then you have to also look at why some die.

Secondly, the two rescues will go out to0 collect reported dead foxes to take them back to the rescues and bury them there.  The actual possible biohazard in doing this when you have no idea how o0r why a fox died is high.  You may well have buried a fox with a highly infectious (to other foxes) illness and that is now in the soil.  In countries where rescues are regulated and not "kitchen sink" efforts such a thing would be illegal.

Some rescues are burying potential infected foxes when those foxes could alert us to a health threat and help us advise people how to proceed.

Some vets associated with rescue are arrogantly blind to throw out a blase explanation for some fox deaths and by, again, refusing to submit foxes for post mortem examination "unless we decide to do so".

Rescues do some incredible work but there is no such thing as a set standard and I have even found one that took in any and all wildlife (including a very sick fox cub that needed to see a vet but whether it did we have no idea) but was a true "kitchen sink" rescue in a house and no real isolation areas.

We need to forget petty ego issues and to concentrate on the most important thing in all of this; the wildlife involved.

(c) 2024 respective copyright owner

Monday, 20 May 2024

Very Important: NO Milk or Bread For Hedgehogs


Water Sources Are Extremely Important For Wildlife


image (c)2024 Marcus Wherle

 I have a large bird bath in the back garden as well as a large dog water bowl. In the front garden are four dog water bowls -cleaned out regularly and always topped up. Hedgehogs soak up a lot of water after feeding and we know foxes (adults and cubs) can become easily dehydrated.

Sunday, 19 May 2024

Some words for those who say "I really want to get into wildlife work!"


1.  There is the need to listen and learn. You may have read books or watched TV shows but this is reality.

2.   You will NOT make any money out of wildlife work and in fact you will find it can suck every last penny out of you.

3.   Always keep hard copy files. PCs and Laptops crash and lose all your data.

4.   There are some good moments when you get to help wildlife but.....

5.   It can be gut-wrenching, heart breaking and make you want to give up more often than you think possible.

Took me 50 years to learn those lessons.

Saturday, 18 May 2024

Thoughts On Red Squirrels. Grey Squirrels, Extinctions, Dogma and Continued Extermination


 Back on 14th March, 2021 I posted an item titled This Is HUMAN aided Evolution NOT "Invasive Species"  and in this I discussed the fact that so many Old British wildlife had hit extinction by the 1860s.  If you read the books and publications of the 19th century this is stated and also hinted at.  My thanks also to my colleague LM.

We know that the Old fox species as well as the Old wild cat species had declined so much through hunting that they became extinct circa the 1860s. At the same time hunting had wiped out of populations to the point that they became extinct.  We know that the hare population dropped so low that in some parts of the UK hares had to be imported to continue the hare coursing 'sport'.  In other regions deer also declined and more were imported from Europe -this is all a matter of historical record.

Even today, the estimated hare population of 579,000 is probably a vast over estimate or an outright fake figure to give the impression that hunting has no effect on population. There are some pro-hunt groups using grand titles including "conservation" who have only one interest and that is to include blood sports.As far as hares go:

""GB Red List: n/a. Although a species of conservation concern, brown hares have minimal legal protection because they're considered a game species and can be shot throughout the year, including through their breeding season. They are the only game species in the UK without a closed season (when hunting is prohibited)."

We know that there are many 'fun' shooters who basically go o9ut nightly to find something to kill so they will undoubtedly take hares without even considering that there may be young that will die because the mother was killed.  And the same thing that wiped out other species is occurring now and that is breeding pairs are killed new generation.  Farmers also shoot hares and even some who profit from it by selling to taxidermists and taxidermists selling on:

It is quite safe to say the hare population is not at the levels claimed and killing for 'fun' as well as financial gain is rife.

Which brings us to the subject of squirrels and particularly red squirrels. I have been accused several times of falsely stating red squirrels were introduced to the UK after the Old Red squirrels were wiped out. Apparently I am using that to justify Grey squirrels being here. This is, of course, the usual uneducated drivel people keep putting out to deny whatever they want; in this case it is 'fact' in their minds (many knowing it is an outright lie) that grey squirrels have wiped out red squirrels.  These people have obviously not carried out even  basic research.
From my 2021 post:

"A few home truths first: humans introduced the grey squirrel mainly as a novelty specimen for estates and menageries. As with other human interferences with nature an unnatural evolution took place. What they like to call the "survival of the fittest" -though this is only applied when it is an animal humans want to encourage for some reason.

photo (c)2024 respective copyright owner

"Another truth is that humans -game keepers, country squires and the wood industry have been trapping, snaring, poisoning and shooting red squirrels for a long time ("shooting a few brace before lunch"  -"brace" being a pair- was a little bit of 'fun sport'.  From 1977 until DEFRA attempted to stop my being a Partner Against Wldlife Crimes (PAWS) in 2015 (police forces do still consult me) I had to speak to pest controllers, game keepers, estate managers, farmers and estate owners and one after another would refer to the "pests" or "vermin" they had to take care of and one of these was the red squirrel. 

"Why the squirrels?" I would ask. "Vermin" was the response 99% of the time but the other 1% found it a "fun shoot". I soon became aware that local authorities, DEFRA and the police were turning a blind eye using a few down pat excuses about private property etc. Red squirrels are classed a endangered and even the Young Peoples Trust For the Environment continues the lie of the grey menace.

In 1945 there was a huge red squirrel population compared to that of the grey as this map from Wildlife Trusts demonstrates

Red squirrels distribution map

Red and grey squirrels distribution in the British Isles in 1945 and 2010. © Craig Shuttleworth/RSST

photo (c)2024 respective copyright owner

So how did the Greys start winning so much territory from the Reds and why? Simple; following the as outlined in The Gazette

"The Forestry Commission was founded to restore the nation’s timber reserves in the wake of World War 1. Here's how 100 years of forestry has helped to shape our landscape.

In September 1919, the first Forestry Act, which created the Forestry Commission and recognised the importance of forestry to the UK, came into force.

The beginnings

By the end of World War 1, the UK’s timber supply was much depleted. Britain’s forests had already suffered a steady decline since the Middle Ages, and the additional strain of the war – especially trench warfare – left the nation’s woodlands in a state of disrepair.

From a countryside that was once largely forest, just 5 per cent of tree cover remained, and urgent action was required to address growing concerns.

In 1918, the Acland Committee reported to then prime minister, David Lloyd George, that an organisation with state backing would be the most effective way of restoring and restocking the nation’s forests.

On 1 September 1919, the Forestry Act came in to force, establishing the Forestry Commission and granting it responsibility to look after woods across England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales (Gazette issue 31837).

By Christmas of the same year, the first Forestry Commission trees had been planted at Eggesford in Devon, turning the tide for post-war woodlands, and paving the way for the future of forestry in Britain.

Post-war planting

In the years that followed, the Commission was given the confidence and freedom to focus on acquiring and planting new woodland. Hundreds of thousands of acres were planted, but more turbulent times lay ahead.

As tensions mounted across Europe, the Commission had to draw up felling plans in the event of another war. The Forest of Dean and New Forest were hit hardest, and while scores of trees were felled, the Commission continued to expand; growing its workforce and planting more forests.

The subsequent decades witnessed a dramatic increase in productivity for the Commission, as forests were expanded due to fuel demand for a burgeoning timber trade.

Technologies and mechanical equipment simultaneously improved, alongside a growing awareness of public recreation needs, and the importance of conservation for wildlife and the environment.

Woodland grants schemes, which had existed since the formation of the Commission, evolved and provided different incentives. These included awards for broadleaf planting, and for landowners who considered public access"

"Despite all the talk of preserving red squirrel habitat the one thing officials and various  organisations keep quiet about is "the squirrel as a pest" -damage to young saplings and mature "timber" -business and estates lose money. Get rid of the squirrels while 'protecting' habitats (until the wood there is needed).

"The Grey squirrel is often cited as the "perfect example" of what authorities like to term "invasive species" and these need "eradication" (killing). Odd that the red squirrel population is stabilising and not just due to the mass killings of grey squirrels.  Greys have found towns and gardens far better habitats -bird feeders and a very wide selection of foods.  Last year the squirrels coming to my garden had young but their nesting area was in the same set of conifers as collared dove and a magpie nest. The magpies moved out so you might think the collared dove nests did not last long. However, the collared doves had a record number of young -the local population has seen an increase in a year and at one point earlier this year some 8-12 could be found on my feeders. The squirrels had good food supplies including my prized lilies (it took 10 years before they flowered and last year six were ready to flower but in the space of an early morning all the flowers were eaten) but if you set up a wildlife garden...."

When I wrote the above I was misled since the red squirrel population has not started recovering. In fact under the disguise of "rewilding" and "re-introducing species" pine marten have been introduced into areas populated by red squirrel and even polecats. Pine marten and introduced wild cats will make a dent in any squirrel population so add them to humans and the likelihood that red squirrels are recovering seems dubious.  

However, the unproven statements of red squirrel recovery are readily accepted by the public who really do not care that much anyway; I cite the fact that foxes are now on a very steep population decline and that 3000,000 badgers have been legally killed for political and not scientific reasons and.. not big protest from the nation of animal lovers). 

Red squirrels are still secretly available for taxidermists to buy and rarer white and black squirrels on one Hampshire estate ...well, taxidermists are jumping at the chance to buy any examples killed and there are fixed price lists that they have so this is a thriving business. Again, taxidermists stamping their feet and claiming this does not happen -we have recorded the evidence and those selling and buying and on what platform. Sadly, as before, humans will be pushing red squirrels to extinction and their species to blame is sorted -the grey squirrel.  Greys are shot in droves by Red Squirrel preservation groups and there are some dirty secrets there.

Look at this Annual statement of the Highland Squirrel Club for the year ending 31st December, 1917. The club had some 41 members who owned approximately 43,660 acres of woods and paid subscriptions totalling £48 1s 9d. There were 3,998 squirrels killed on these estates for which bonuses of £49 19s 6d were paid.  The main reason was, of course, the 'fun' of shooting animals but they also saw the red squirrel as a threat along the same lines as grey squirrels are today. Rather like foxes, etc., etc., etc., red squirrels were wiped out, re-introduced and then faced several near extinctions. 

Take this as just one example as not all reintroductions were public or even widely publicised as it was no one else's business. In 1844, Lady Lovat persuaded the government to re-introduce red squirrels in the Highlands. However, typically, their numbers multiplied rapidly as in fact did their outward migration. Guess what? In response to the damage caused to woodlands, a Highland Squirrel Club was formed with the purpose of hunting, trapping, and killing the squirrels. Financial incentives were provided for those who sent in squirrel tails. There is a very ironic side to this all story and that is that it was the Lovat Estate which exterminated the highest numbers

 For further information about this item and the collection to which it belongs, please email the Highland Archive Service

PERIOD: 1910s

SOURCE: Highland Archive Centre

COLLECTION: Highland Squirrel Club 1916-1920 /

Above a chart showing the number of squirrels killed from 1903 to 1941and below Highland Squirrel Club Report for 1917 p 2

There can be no denying that red squirrels were wiped out, reintroduced and wiped out again  until some clung on and out of the way of the gunmen. It is interesting to see just how the Red squirrel was described as a threat in the same way modern advocates describe the Grey and the solution is always the same; kill them.  

This is the Blood Red Island where humans wiped out species by the score, reintroduced the species again to once more wipe out and from the early 20th century on an outright campaign was launched to wipe out the true history of what was done and this has become dogma.  Very little of what we find in the UK today whether bird or mammal is going to not be found with European DNA of that species.   To actually state DNA and other study conclusions as fact and showing that British species of today are and always have been the same as those of Europe is pure nonsense. Yes, the DNA results are correct for the 21st century but pre-1900, if you could find any remnants of Old British species of deer or hare, they would have been different. Old foxes and Old wild cats as well as the Old wolves that were wiped out would have all been unique island species but the wolf was killed to extinction first and the fox and wild cat almost simultaneously.

The extinctions/near extinctions of wildlife in countries far away are always popular to point to and pompously spout "we must help you save your native wildlife -once it is gone it is gone forever!"  Coming from people who are employed at museums and universities this is all rather rich and perhaps they ought to look at the UKs wildlife history?

 People in glass houses should not throw stones"

Friday, 17 May 2024

Some Thoughts On The Recent Fox Deaths and Concerns

 I am not about to make friends and to be honest I expect the usual petulant "You hate foxes! And pretend you like them!"  I am used to it. I see on social media people enticing foxes (and badgers) into their kitchens and even into living rooms with food.  Rare? No, it is actually common.  The number of Likes on social media encourages those involved to continue carrying out acts of animal endangerment -a fox being taught that inside a house there is food will walk into the wrong one.

The other problem is that feeding foxes (and badgers) is now a big trendy thing. I have discussed this elsewhere and on this blog and every time I am told how anti-fox I am. We will come back to this further on but for now I want to discuss a possible cause for the number of cases of leptospirosis and other diseases killing foxes.

In the UK we get either too dry or too wet weather and we are still destroying or attempting to build on green areas that are wildlife havens for wildlife.  Although we are supposed to be better at recycling we still get fast food dumped around pavements and even outside the junk food purveyors own buildings. There is one such place on Winterstoke Road in Bristol that day and evening if you walk near it there are cartons and other litter including dumped food. During the day the gulls are there to clear up some of the mess that the management of the place feels has nothing to do with them; "We only sell it" I was told.  At night the rats have a feast.

Obviously rats get food daily they can breed more (the number of electric traps around that 
particular area shows the problem.

We now even idiots that have "garden rats" (until there are too many).People post their photos and videos of "Ratty" popping out from under the shed to get spilt bird food and in some cases food put out for it.  I warned one person that the "cute rat" is likely not just one and in a few months there will be a lot. Supported by the usual social media clowns supporting her and her efforts to "help wildlife" I was told that it was none of my business and to stop being anti-wildlife. Later in the year was the post "Can anyone advise on non-lethal ways to get rid of rats -they are everywhere. I chuckled.

Despite what people say cats these days are lazy and not that willing to tackle rats. I have watched a cat follow a juvenile rat and just watch as it disappeared under the fence. The semi feral cat that covers these gardens soon started cutting down on the number of mice and rats -it was how she survived before I found her in the garden and fed her properly.

 You don't have shop cats anymore and no one has a "Mouser" or "Ratter" now. Every shop used to have one and you'll find some feral cats in builders yards but domestic cats are far from the ravagers of wildlife. Sarah Mills the Bristol Fox Lady, counted one vixen in 20 minutes bringing back 3 rats for her young. There were probably more killed that day and while country foxes may have rabbit at the top of their diet list the urban fox has rat.  This is not even a dent in the population. 

Rats have even better food resources and with the weather we get these days that now makes breeding even better.  I have been trying to find out the name of the town in Germany which, back in the 1980s,  laced bait with a chemical to prevent rat pregnancy and it started working and rats dying through being run over, killed by birds of prey, etc. saw the population drop. If I remember rightly the scheme stopped because of pressure from pest control businesses. It would take a while to see numbers drop if such a scheme were put in place but it would stop secondary poisoning; which will only get worse when the next generation of "effective rodenticides" are introduced. It's very complex but cutting the rat population without poisons and actually fining people who feed rats as garden pets would mean cats that do take rats, foxes, etc can keep the number under control. Local authorities for their building could dispense with poisons all together; sonic devices can cover a wide area and although I was sceptical at first after 5 years of trying them and hearing back from others who have also tried them the devices work quickly and are safe around pets but drives rats and mice away -fast.

Some essential oils are also excellent rat deterrents (peppermint oil will also drive off ants -and, yes, I have tried this two years running and it works).  Inexpensive scent devices pushing out the right smell will not only drive off mice but in larger building it will help freshen up corridors.  The days of poisons should be  ending when many more inexpensive deterrents and that will save the lives of so many wild animals and birds that kill and eat rodents.

Rats would be a source for lepto as well as the worms that foxes are getting over burdened with. Ticks not much we can do about especially when there are groups throwing out tick awareness because the grass MUST be allowed to grow high until after may for all the insects -never mention ticks to them as even suggesting overgrown vegetation makes you a "Grass Nazi" and I am not even joking. 

Some foxes have babesia in them with no effect on them so you then have to ask is it the "garden pet" feeding affecting them? Less lean and more bulky foxes with an immune system not functioning correctly any more?   I have seen people post photos of a perfectly healthy fox and the comments that follow such as: "It looks starving -FEED IT!!" and "Oh my god the poor animal is skin and bone!" and there are usually the "You have to feed it" followed by a list of what the person must go out and buy.  When "social media stars" put out huge piles of mixed food each night with financial donations from followers then you know things have gone too far.

There is certainly nothing in the old books about foxes that mention fox ailments and mange (introduced by the hunts importing foxes) and nothing in the published work of the old Bristol Uni fox study; no mentions of seizures or jaundice so it seems to be a modern thing.

 Feeders are the only new thing -in the past it might have been one or two widely spread and the odd scraps but now with social media its almost everyone and foxes even start queuing up on time each day for food. 

It could well be environmental changes and the spread of something like leptospirosis added to the lessened effectiveness of the fox immune system to having become over fed garden pets -the deficiencies passing from one generation to the other until now.  

As I write this I am told yet another cub having seizures, nasal discharge and jaundice has been admitted to a Bristol vet. That will also be submitted for post mortem examination.

Basically humans have it all up deliberately and through 'kindness'. We need to have a complete overhaul of rodent control and above educate people on feeding wildlife.

Fox Deaths: Seizures and Jaundice


Firstly, there is no need to panic. We really do not know as much as we should about foxes in the UK and they are descended from the thousands of foxes imported into the UK between the 18th-20th century for hunting. Although there are no references to seizures

With five recent jaundice cases in which the cubs collapsed and were described as "shutting down", fixed stare, jaundice and some nasal discharge I took a quick look through the foxes submitted for post mortem examination in Bristol and the causes concluded:

fox 13 jaundice/kidney failure -babesia.

Fox 14 jaundice and collapse babesia

Fox 18 Jaundice and kidney COD?

Fox 22 Jaundice -lepto

Fox 25 jaundice -lepto

Fox 26 jaundice -lepto

Fox 32 jaundice -septicaemia

Fox 34 jaundice -kidney damage uraemia

Fox 50 fitting/jaundice -Lepto

Fox 54 jaundice -babesia

Fox 55 jaundice -babesia.

The possibilities are "likely" babesia or leptospirosis.

Today's (16 05 2024) is a 3-4 months old cub, fixed stare, seizure, shutting down and jaundice along with nasal discharge. The vet suggesting parvo or distemper? But that was an "off-the-top-of-the-head" guess. As I have already noted there has been no officially confirmed case of distemper in UK foxes -there was a vet in the NE of England suggested a fox in the area may have died from distemper but that was 3-4 years ago and no post mortem took place. The distemper claim was included with a push to have people vaccinate their dogs. The practice involved would not respond to my emails and were unwilling to talk by phone. I put the distemper claim down as "not proven".

Babesia and lepto: Babesiosis is a tick-borne disease of various wild animals including lions, deer, primates, rhinos, etc. It is caused by protozoan parasites of the genus ​Babesia ​and affects a wide range of domestic and wild animals, and occasionally humans. Species of ​Babesia ​vary in their infectivity. Babesia has been found in foxes with no affect on them and most research is from outside the UK.

As for leptospirosis it is common in wildlife however the disease is most often noticed only when the wildlife serve as a source of infection for domestic animals or humans. Lepto is found throughout the world and is regarded as a re-emerging infectious disease. As with babesia there is nothing we can do and the bacteria that causes leptospirosis are spread through the urine of infected animals which can get into water or soil and can survive there for weeks to months.

Many different kinds of wild and domestic animals carry the bacterium and among these include cattle.

Those are the two main possibilities for the jaundice cases that are cropping up as it seems unlikely all of these foxes got severe kidney problems, etc around the same time. Each case could have a different or the same cause. This is why I never publicly speculate without the PM reports.

The question is whether -and I know this will trigger a few people- environmental changes such as warmer and wetter weather are causing the problem as suggested by my colleague LM? Five or so foxes in the North of England and a very similar one from Whitstable, Kent and another possible case in the South of England are the ones we know about. Some rescues will not submit a dead animal for PM -that service is free if disease is suspected. Some bury any dead foxes on their land -as far as they are concerned they treat and release and unusual fox deaths are of no concern.

And idea of the fox deaths in Bristol involving jaundice/collapse etc. is given below by district.

1    Shirehampton  BS11

2.....Headley Park BS13

3     Hengrove  BS14

4    Whitchurch BS14

5    Downend  BS16

6    Staple Hill BS16

7    Oldland Common  BS30

8    Lockleaze  BS7

9    Redland BS7

10  Horfield BS7

11  Deerhurst, Yate  BS37

12  Lye Cross/Pump Lane  BS40

13  Rownham Close BS3

14  Toynbee Rd, Knowle   BS4

15  Westbury-on-Trym  BS9

16. Horfield  BS7

I ought to add that we lost four jaundiced foxes last year that were not collected and there was another jaundiced cub about two weeks ago we missed in West Town Lane.  Therefore over 20 jaundice, collapsed and shutting down foxes since 2022.

Wildlife Killed In The Hundreds in One City -Who Cares?

  I have just completed a 59pp document that combines the 2022-(Feb) 2025 Fox and Badger deaths registers. It is grim reading. Well over 600...